Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology on the map, Caboolture, Australia
Where is located Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology
Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology — local attraction, which is located at 1-63 The Abbey Pl, Caboolture QLD 4510, Australia and belongs to the category — museum. Average visitor rating for this place — 4.6 (according to 207 ratings, information from open sources and relevant for 2022).
Exact location — Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology, marked on the map with a red marker.
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What else is interesting in Caboolture? You can see all the sights if you go to the city page.
Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology, Australia coordinates in decimal format: latitude — -27.070834473519657, longitude — 153.02298232459776. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology has the following coordinates: -27°4′15 north latitude and 153°1′22.74 east longitude.
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Brisbane — 43 km
- Newcastle — 655 km
- Wollongong — 833 km
- Albury — 1132 km
- Melbourne — 1376 km
- Geelong — 1433 km
- Adelaide — 1564 km
- Launceston — 1658 km
- Hobart — 1805 km
- Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) — 2049 km
- Auckland (New Zealand) — 2211 km
- Hamilton (New Zealand) — 2282 km
- Tauranga (New Zealand) — 2345 km
- Wellington (New Zealand) — 2399 km
- Lower Hutt (New Zealand) — 2403 km
- Christchurch (New Zealand) — 2408 km
- Dunedin (New Zealand) — 2479 km
- Jayapura (Republic of Indonesia) — 3032 km
- Perth — 3521 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Canberra) is about — 985 km.